Bhawani's Dental Care



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Augmentation of the jawbone is normally undertaken for implant candidates who lack sufficient bone mass to support the implant. However, we also offer bone grafting to replace and repair bony defects in the jaw. Bone grafts can help elevate the sinus floor and fill craters or deformities in the jawbone itself.

If you’re in Warrington and struggling with dental issues due to bone loss, our reliable bone grafting services at Bhawani’s are here to help.

While augmentation of the jawbone is normally undertaken for implant candidates who lack sufficient bone mass to support the implant, we also offer bone grafting to replace and repair bony defects in the jaw. Bone grafts can help elevate the sinus floor and fill craters or deformities in the jawbone itself.

Dr Chatterjee is fully qualified and highly-experienced in bone graft procedures.

Please call 01925 768 111 for a consultation to learn more about the procedure and how it may benefit you.

Your Bone Grafting Questions Answered

Yes, dental bone grafting is a safe and commonly performed procedure. Our team at Bhawani’s Dental follows strict protocols and uses high-quality materials to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

In some cases, a bone graft may be recommended after a tooth extraction, especially if the surrounding bone is weak or if you plan to get dental implants in the future. Our dentist will assess your individual situation and advise you accordingly.

During the procedure, you’ll be under local anaesthesia, so you won’t feel any pain. Our team prioritises your comfort, and we use advanced techniques to minimise any discomfort during and after the treatment.

The healing time varies depending on the individual and the extent of the bone grafting procedure. Generally, it can take several months for the graft to fully integrate with your natural bone and for the area to heal completely.

Like any surgical procedure, dental bone grafting carries some risks, such as infection or graft rejection. However, these risks are minimal, and our experienced team takes every precaution to minimise them.

We typically use local anaesthesia to numb the treatment area and ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Our team will discuss anaesthesia options with you beforehand to address any concerns you may have.

Yes, dental bone grafting can often be performed using only local anaesthesia, which eliminates the need for general anaesthesia and its associated risks.

This can last for many years, providing a stable foundation for dental implants or other restorative treatments. With proper care and maintenance, it can support your dental health for the long term.


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