Bhawani's Dental Care



If missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures are holding you back, diminishing your joy, and impacting your confidence, All-on-4 dental implants are the transformative solution you need.


The All-on-4 treatment concept is a modern approach to dental implants. It involves placing four implants in the jaw, onto which a full arch of teeth can be securely attached. Its ability to provide immediate results sets All-on-4 dental implants apart.

The implant procedure begins with a free consultation, where we assess your dental health and discuss your expectations. On the day of the procedure, the implants are placed, and a full arch of teeth is attached, all within a single visit.

It’s a streamlined process designed for your comfort and convenience, ensuring that you leave our practice with a confident smile.

Dr Chatterjee trained with top implant specialists Prof Ucer at Trafford Hospital and Dr Austin Hughes and has been placing implants since 2011. He uses the popular Straumann and Sweden and Martina systems, depending on your individual needs, and is also experienced in bone grafting if your existing jawbone is insufficient for implants.

dental implants Warrington


  • Implants can restore the smile you have lost or offer you the smile you have always wanted.
  • Start enjoying your favourite foods like apples, steak and even corn on the cob again with confidence and without the plastic of dentures covering the roof of your mouth.
  • Only dental implants can permanently replace the roots of missing teeth and eliminate the need for sticky denture adhesives and even for dentures themselves.
  • Implants look and feel just like natural teeth.
  • Implants can help conserve your bone structure and support your facial tissues. They can reduce or eliminate bone atrophy, which causes “shrinkage” or facial cosmetic changes.
  • Implants eliminate the need for cutting natural teeth to replace a missing tooth and offer a permanent solution that cannot decay.

At Bhawani’s Dental Care, we understand that your time is precious. That’s why we’re excited to offer same-day teeth with All-on-4 dental implants to our Warrington community and its surroundings.

This innovative treatment allows us to transform your smile in just one day. No more waiting weeks or months to enjoy the benefits of full, natural-looking teeth.

Whether you’re from Stockton Heath, Lymm, or here in Warrington, your new smile is just a day away!

all on 4 dental implants

Your Dental Implants Questions Answered!

While the procedure itself is not painful due to the use of anaesthesia, some discomfort is expected during the healing process.

At Bhawani’s, we prioritize your comfort and provide detailed aftercare instructions to manage any soreness. Most patients find the discomfort manageable with the prescribed medications and report that the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial recovery period.

All-on-4 dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution for tooth loss. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, your All-on-4 implants can last many years, often 20 years or more.

Your first appointment is a consultation where we’ll discuss your dental history, and expectations, and evaluate your oral health. We’ll use advanced imaging technology to assess your jawbone structure and plan the procedure.

This visit is also an excellent opportunity for you to ask any questions and express your concerns. Our goal is to ensure you’re fully informed and comfortable with the proposed treatment plan.

The procedure typically takes about 2 to 4 hours per arch. However, the exact duration can vary based on individual needs and the complexity of your case.

Here, at our clinic, we ensure that the procedure is as efficient and comfortable as possible, providing you with a new smile in just one day.

You can start eating with your new teeth almost immediately after the procedure. However, it’s recommended to stick to soft foods and avoid chewy or hard foods for the first few weeks to allow proper healing. Gradually, you can reintroduce more solid foods as your comfort and confidence with the implants increase.

It’s advisable to take a few days off work after the procedure to allow for rest and recovery. While many patients feel well enough to return to normal activities within a couple of days, giving yourself time to heal without the stresses of work is beneficial. The exact amount of time off will depend on the nature of your job and how quickly you recover.


The cost can vary depending on the specifics of each case, such as the number of implants needed and any additional procedures. We recommend you contact us to receive a detailed and personalised cost estimate.
As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with dental implants, such as infection, nerve damage, or implant failure.

Yes, it can replace multiple teeth. So, whether you’re missing consecutive teeth or require full arch restoration, implants can provide a secure and natural-looking solution.


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