In this practice we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.
A complaint must be made in writing. You will receive confirmation and a reference of the complaint within 5 working days. You will receive a full written response within 20 working days of receipt.
Step 1
Please write to the practice Complaints Manager (Mr Veehar Malde) about the member of staff/clinician and the incident.
Step 2
We will reply in writing and aim to resolve the matter in a friendly and sympathetic manner. All of our efforts will be aimed to reach a conclusion which is fair to both parties.
Step 3
For private patients, if we are unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion, the Dental Complaints Service will review your case in full.
Dental Complaints Service
The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon CR9 2ER
Tel: 08456 120 540 at local rate (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm)
For NHS patients, if we are unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion, NHS England will review your case in full.
NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT
You may also complain to the Health Service Ombudsman by phone on 0345 015 4033 if you still feel your concerns have not been fully resolved.
Step 4
The General Dental Council will review your complaint if there has been a failure to reach an agreed resolution. This stage is the final process in the complaints procedure.
General Dental Council
37 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8DQ
Tel: 020 7887 3800